Gazservis и Co
Design and Engineering
GAZSERVICE & Co LLP has been engaged in complex design of buildings and structures throughout Kazakhstan since 2010. The company’s specialists can develop any design documentation for civil and industrial facilities.
GAZSERVICE & Co LLP is staffed with qualified specialists performing a full range of work from collection of initial data and surveys to approval of design documentation and author’s supervision, including special sections on gas supply and engineering networks.
All workplaces are equipped with modern engineering and technical facilities: computing equipment, copying and multiplication equipment, licensed graphic and calculation products, allowing to fully automate the process of work execution.
Modern specialized application software packages are used in design, which ensure the accuracy of engineering calculations, estimate documentation and the quality of graphical display of design documentation.
Gasservice & K LLP provides the following services:
- design of gas supply systems
- design and survey activities
- engineering and geodesic works
- engineering-geological and engineering-hydrogeological works
- urban planning
- architectural design for buildings and structures of I, II and III levels of responsibility
- responsibility
- engineering systems and networks design
- technological design of buildings and structures of housing and civil
- civil and residential buildings and structures,
- industrial facilities
- infrastructure facilities
- author’s supervision